Jan 15, 2007 17:10
My poor Aunty. For one I call her Aunty because Konohamaru rubbed off on me, and two she really... Doesn't like me. The look on her face when I pulled out my blankets that my Irish Aunt gave me instead of the ones that were in the guest room she was way pissed, like I'm in Japan I should have Japanese pride. I can't wait to go back and visit though, hopefully before my birthday~ <3
Owwiee and it hurts to type the way I usually do 'cause I burned two of my fingers because I touched a sculpture when it was still hot just before I came to Tokyo. It didn't help that Konohamaru and Udon just sat there laughing at me instead of getting ice or anything. Gee thanks buddies. They deserved the itching powder I put in their clothes.
And I got lost. Seriously. Like 4 or five times. I lost the count of the traumatic experiences. I spent far too long following Konohamaru around and letting him decide where we were going or me going to the same places so I have like NO sense of direction... This is a bad city to to do that. Damn.