Nov 17, 2010 03:23
I made it!! =DD (not that is was all that likely that I wouldn't, but nothing major went wrong, so I am pleased)
Though I have been through so mny delays today, it's not even funny (and for me it feels very late as I'm still on Uk time!). But it all started off this morning (and most of my problems can be traced back to the fog too!). Anyway, my first flight, for which I had to be up for 5am (!) for was delayed due to the fog at Gatwick for about an hour, so I was stuck on that plane for an extra hour this morning (becuase they don't mention the delay until you're already on the freakin plane!). Then my Bus link from Gatwick to Heathrow got stuck in traffic for an extra 40mins as there was an accident on the motorway, and this was followed up by an extra hour (might've actually been an hour forty, by this point I'd lost track) on that plane too. I think the last delay killed me the most as the flight was already about 7 hours long, so to end up stuck on the plane for a futher 2 hours was killer.
Still, I did make it (though customs was rather scary, I mean fingerprints to get in the country! Oh my! I so wasn't expecting that! (of course the fingerprint gadjit was kinda cool =P)
And on a side note: Shiori, I'm hoping that you'll see this post soon enough as a 'kana arrived safe message' because I am currently too dead to actually install AIM and ping you properly at the moment. (Sorry), I'll likely get it installed in a couple (?) of days though. ^^ And it's looking likely that I'll be up on that Friday possibly with an overnight (I'm undecided on that front, but *hugs* See you soon)