Mar 26, 2012 22:40
Guess what?
I'm moving! My whole family is...
And there's nothing joyful about it. Because guess what. We now have the privilege of joining the masses whom have had foreclosure thrust upon them. Yes, that's right; we couldn't pay the mortgage so the bank jerked our home out from under us. (Interesting fact: 1 in every 637 homes was foreclosed upon in February 2012--1 in every 204 the 37328 zip was foreclosed on [Seven that I know of...with more in preforeclosure, atm.])
No, we weren't frivolous spenders. We didn't spend extra on luxuries. We didn't spend money we didn't have (no credit cards or store credit, kthx). And we don't even drive decent, newer cars--all of them were at least 15 years old.
Sadly, it was a choice of either eating and putting gas in the car so my stepdad could get to work and keep his job...or paying the mortgage. Yeah, we chose the food. The mortgage lenders seem to think we're bad people because we wanted to eat...well, fuck them; I hope they're in our shoes one day and get to feel what it's like to have to make that choice.
So, now we have to find a place to live...No idea how long we have left in this house because we were NEVER notified of the foreclosure, so we don't know when it took effect. We only know now because on Saturday some woman (rude as could be) stopped by and wanted to know when we were moving out 'cause she might want to buy the place. (...she works for a bank, btw) WTF.
Maybe the next time I update this thing I won't have joined the growing number of homeless people in the US...but then again, my next update could come from wi-fi use at the local McDonald's.