(no subject)

Apr 28, 2011 00:41

Oh, man. Today was crazy.

It all started with being awakened at 6 AM, because a tornado had just plowed through part of Fayetteville and my mother was in a panic. Why? Because my stepdad had just barely made it to work and my stepbrother was still driving to work...and he called her in a panic himself saying "fuck this shit, I'm going back home". What a way to start the day!

Spent the next couple of hours watching the local channels so we could keep tabs on the weather, cuz tornadoes were popping up left, right, and center. However, around 9 AM I decided I needed to make a cigarette run and headed toward my room to get dressed (my room's the attic, btw). My fat ass cat, Bowie, was sitting at the bottom of the stairs and would NOT move, staring intently at something behind the door...I couldn't get him to move, so I thought that maybe he had cornered a mouse or there was a really interesting bug back there. Hahaha. If only. @_@
I slowly closed the door, because I wanted to find out what was so damn captivating. It's a good thing I was being cautious! Know why? There was a small rattlesnake behind the door! ._.;;; And so began the adventure of doing away with it.
Mum ran to the shed to get a shovel (so she could chop its head off) while I stood guard to make sure it didn't go anywhere and that my nephew stayed in the living room. Unfortunately, the snake was all coiled up and she couldn't get to its head, so she ended up slamming the shovel into its midsection. Of course that only pissed the snake off and it went into attack mode, biting at the air, itself, the shovel--venom flying everywhere. For some reason my mum calls my stepdad, panicking, but I dunno why she called him 'cause he was at work and couldn't do anything.
Start me (or not so smart) went and grabbed an axe to do the job...the only problem was that I had grabbed the ultra heavy axe used for splitting wood, not the lighter one used for chopping. I decapitated it, but now there is snake blood on the carpet and I need to get a steam cleaner. Oh, and I fucked my back up when I hefted the axe...about an hour after the snake adventure my back was hurting so badly that I couldn't find any position to sit or lie in that wasn't painful. And I could hardly walk. I took two Percocet and even that didn't help...So, my mum said she'd take me to the hospital ('cause that's what my doctor said) just as soon as the weather cleared up and it was safe to drive.

There were dozens of tornadoes today, along with gale force winds, giant fucking hail, and flooding rains--there's a lake in our backyard now...the water's almost up to our house. Nearly got hit by six of those tornadoes, two went directly over the small mountain behind our backyard. So, I'd say we really dodged several bullets there. But, damn...SO much rain!! Nearly all the roads out where I live are flooded and nearly impassable.
Oh, and most of the Tennessee Valley is without electricity (not Lincoln county though) and will be for a few days, so as far as I know the only functioning Wal-Mart and grocery store for about 75 miles is located in Fayetteville. Meaning it's going to be raided in a few hours by people stocking up on anything that won't go bad while their power is out. Any business not backed up by a generator will be closed for awhile, which means a shit ton of gas stations won't operate. Major suckage.

I finally got to go to the hospital around 7 PM and had to wait forever, 'cause they were running on a generator, so productivity was slowed down. I did, however, get a nice shot of synthetic morphine and a muscle relaxer...got a script for them, too, so tomorrow (later today) I need to go to Fayetteville and get them filled....and brave Wal-Mart and the horde of people there. Yikes.

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