Jan 09, 2007 21:43
I'm considering today to be my first real day of classes since I only have one class on Mondays. You might consider that to be a sweet deal except my Tuesdays and Thursdays are very long. I got up at 7 today to get to my 8:30 class, proceeded to go to 5 classes total and now I'm home trying to study for a Japanese vocab quiz I get to take tomorrow morning but its so hard to focus because I'm very tired. Hopefully as I get into the swing of things I'll get used to the early mornings and will be better able to study in the evenings even though I'd like to go to sleep right now.
The class that gets me up so early is an elective, but I really wanted to take it so I'm sucking it up. Its Philosophy of Religion and I think it will be a really interesting class. Its going to focus on morality, concepts of Good and Evil, the existence of God, arguments for and against religion, etc. I'm really looking forward to it. But right now I would love to either be awake enough to concentrate on something productive like studying or to just go to bed. But since I can do neither I'm sitting here procrastinating by writing an LJ post. se la vie? Or however you spell it. I'm sure those of you who've studied French are wincing at the moment.
Aside from this very interesting but very early Philosophy class, I'm taking East Asian Literature in Translation which also looks promising. Lots of reading this semester but I do enjoy reading so yay for me.
I'm also taking Gender in East Asia. This also will have a lot of reading. The books look like they'll be interesting reads but the class is set up in a "seminar" format meaning lots of group work and we all know how much I love group work and I adore people.
The language course is what it is and I'm not expecting anything unusual except that we seem to have to do some tedious blog crap where we write compositions and comment on other students' compositions. But whatever, I'll jump through the hoops if it means I'm one class closer to graduating with the degree that I want.
I'm also taking a 500 level pop culture class. That will be just like the other classes taught by that particular professor. He knows what he's talking about but he really doesn't give a shit so we get the easiest workload imaginable. I'm fine with this because I'm lazy and enjoy a good screw off class. I still learn things in the courses he teaches because I actually enjoy the materials he has us read and watch but as for actual constructive hard work? I look to other classes for that sort of thing.
And finally, another Japanese linguistics class except this time the material looks like it will be interesting, the teacher is very nice and seems to know what she's doing and I think I might actually enjoy a linguistics class for once. The two I've taken previously have sucked balls. I blame the professors teaching the courses. Its a nice change to not be dreading this kind of course for once.
So that's a basic sum up of my classes. I'm taking six in all. Hopefully they won't turn into nightmarish wastes of time like some of my previous courses.