Random Stuff...

Feb 16, 2008 11:07

Yay, I am excited I am getting the Rei Pullip. Hopefully after I get a job I will be able to order the two Dals I want, which are Hangry and Cinnamoroll.

Next month will be 
rpb3000 and I's 3 year anniversary on the 6th. My 19th birthday on 22nd and we will be going to Animarathon on the 29th.
aaww_my_bees and I will have an Art table at Animarathon.

The beginning of April will be Anime Punch! and then at the end of April 
rpb3000 and I will be going to an MSI concert. I can't believe we are going to see MSI in concert.  (MSI stands for Mindless Self Indulgence if anyone doesn't know the band).

In May we will be going to Anime Central and will get to see HalCali in concert. Then the rest of May will be spent moving since our lease is up here then.

birthday, eva, rei, dal, msi, anime punch, pullip, halcali

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