I had originally believed that there would be a steady arrival of people from my time based on what the residents here had been saying, but I suppose I was mistaken. While there are a few people I know from my time, there doesn't appear to be as many as, say, the people from 150 years ago. Something about this bothers me, but it's nothing to dwell upon. I suppose it's rather a positive thing.
I've been thinking about what Dinn said, and I guess he's right. There doesn't seem to be any way for me to get back now, so it seems I'll have to settle down and get used to this place. It doesn't seem so hard...
Perhaps I can help some people. I'd be glad to help instruct anyone with swordsmanship -- any other fighting skills are fine, too, however I believe there are other far more qualified people already helping with that. I'm also readily available for any sort of hunt, quest or any physically labourous work. Please don't hesitate to ask for my services.
... ... On another note, the alcohol here is strong. I didn't expect to be so far gone after just one glass. Then again, it was foolish of me to take such a dare... I'm just relieved that I didn't make a huge fool of myself in public. I only briefly recall attempting to sing, and that swordfight with the tree was quite...
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