because she said so...

Apr 25, 2007 15:25

It's been long purported that a man is a simpleton. Almost to the point of being dumb when it comes to understanding the opposite sex. Though that could easily be attributed to the way we communicate... to which I'm about to babble about all things in a generic sense, and not specifics.

A MAN is simple. A man, if given the opportunity, would be perfectly fine with just living off the land, eating only what needs to be eaten, and just roughing it out. Men don't aspire to much. A man's given purpose in life has ALWAYS been to protect and to spread his seed. Whenever food was needed, or if their home came under attack, it's always the men who would take up arms to protect his lands and his people. To provide for his family and nation.

The woman's role has always been that of a nurturer and guide. A man is an instinctual creature, and acts as such. A woman brings reason to his simple nature... stays the hand that would otherwise cut down any fool who would dare cross him. She raises his children and shows them the gentler side to life. In this, there's balance.

However, there is an inconsistancy. A man needs nothing but the clothes on his back, and a good weapon to champion his food. A woman needs shelter and attention. Unless she herself were a trained warrior, she wouldn't last all that long in the wild. As such, the man had appointed himself another task. Her needs. Thus, we got buildings, a working agricultural system, all to make life easier on the woman, so they could get to the things they needed conveniently and in the safety of her home.

And then a new problem arose. Everybody needed to feed everybody, and man didn't have to venture out as much, as they could grow most of it right there at home. And soon businesses arose, and again life became more convenient... for women.

Men aren't social like that. To conduct business to negotiate work towards a solution so that both parties needs are satisfied. Man would've been happy to just cut the f***in' dog himself and been done with it.

As women gaine more influence, the need for convenience rose more and more. A man's job is to protect his wife, and as such, she is queen, and deserves everything her heart desires. No man who loves his wife would ever tell her no. But there was a limit to how much sway a woman held. Generally a woman of beauty held sway over those she knew in private. In public, her words were as air. They might've heard it, but in the same instant it was discarded and swept away without a thought.

Today more than ever, man and woman have never been further apart. A man tells his woman (doesn't matter if they're married or not) he wants sex. She sees him as a pervert. Thousands of years might've passed, but basic instinct hasn't changed much. He still lives to protect and spread his seed.

As such, it should be noted that a man's emotions really spread from sex. Men are clumsy with words and often contradict themselves as they generally act on instinct, and not logical reason.

A woman however is generally careful with her words, 'cause she knows better than anyone the kind of power words can hold over an individual (probably why most women tend to have very few female friends)

Women, however, are very emotionally forward. They wear their heart on their sleeves or in some cases in an iron casket, and they express themselves through communication. Something, man can only tolerate for so long.

Casual conversation is fine. You can talk enjoy yourselves, and have few worries. It's generally when a woman begins to question a man's motives that things get hectic. Again a man is generally not that open with their emotions. Generally what you see is what you get. If a man is worried or sad or burdened, he will hide it, 'cause he wants to be strong in front of the people he cares about. Often times a woman will go on a bloody rampage telling everyone how sh**ty her day was and so forth.

Men are generally just as fragile as any woman however. A creature built to protect, all he has is his pride and ego. A woman who calls him out on his actions could easily shatter the very foundation that makes him, him and that could be disastrous in the long run. As a balancer, it's been noted time and again all things should be equal. Especially in this age. A man doesn't need a woman to survive, and vice versa. But for those that are together, they should understand the basic needs of the other and use their strengths to cover each other's weaknesses. A man isn't one for blurting out his feelings, and if a woman makes him feel threatened he will most certainly lie. If, however, she expresses her feelings towards a matter i.e. You're financially tied down, and spending recklessly on drinking is going to end up hurting you further... to express that in such a way as you can voice your opinion but not attack him, it can be left that he doesn't have to answer you at all, but, you'll know he was listening.

Later actions will confirm how well they listened, but it's also worth it to note, that a man guided by his ego, should be allowed to fail. Fail hard if it comes to it. Men will try things, and if they can fail without being afraid to do so, they'll become a better person for it. Men learn through mistakes, and so failing is a natural process for them. A woman really only fails if she lets fear dictate her actions instead of continuing to be the supportive balance that lets a man stand tall.

A woman's words these days can move mountains, and as such we've built tons of 'em. And my own opinion is that a woman is strongest when she supports instead of leads. She can inspire thousands, and never really move a muscle.

I think a lot of things have become convuluted down through the ages, as women want to have the power of men, and men dare to aspire to anything more than protector and progenator.

yup... nice and f***ed up


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