I forgot to answer this again XD Sorry. So three days today... urgh.
Day 3: The most overrated J-Rock group.
Definitely, and without any hesitation, DIR EN GREY. Because everyone can't stop praising them, and I hear 10x a day that it's far the best band on earth and that they are even liked by american metalheads and everything and I am so tired of having been told this for x years that I can't stand it anymore. All my friends used to like DIR EN GREY, and they told me like everyday to give it a try, once again, and once again, I felt disappointed. I don't like Kyo's voice, and I don't like the songs. The sound is good and everything but except maybe Cage, Dozing Green, and Glass Skin, DIR EN GREY is not my cup of tea. I'm also tired of being harrassed, as an ex-RENTRER EN SOI fan, by Kyo fanatics that can't stand the fact that I think Satsuki is way better than Kyo.
I won't put another photo, but I'll talk about a second band that I think is really overrated, which is お遊戯ゎが魔々団×【PaRADEiS】. Same thing again, one of my friends has been a true Pare-dan fan since they started, so I was quite forced to follow their evolution. And, god, I really don't like their music. The singer, the songs, everything; I really really don't like and Pare-dan is one of my (musically talking) worst favorite bands. Same thing for their look, actually, I could wear mashiro's clothes because it's cool, but it doesn't quite fit him. Actually he doesn't quite fit anything. Mashiro looks just like a badly customized Byul. So okay, I'm not too fond of the kawaii-thing, but hell, this is just unbearable, and ridiculous.