Dec 07, 2005 03:10
Yesterday, during the day time I did nothing.
I putzed around in shorts, watched spongebob squarepants and read "Snowcrash" by Neal Stephanson.
Later in the evening I hung out with my older sister (Emi)and her kid (Josh). Went out to a standard issue Earls restaurant and did the general bi-yearly update.
Life, love and work that sort of thing...
Today, during the day I did nothing.
In the afternoon I went to see my Mom's new house.
It's pretty nice, better exterior than the last house (The last one was dark green with yellow trim) The new one has some nice brickwork that just makes it seem cozier. There's also fake seagulls in the backyard... I don't know why. I guess they came with the house. Fucked up.
After that we went to go see Axel (Mom's husband) in the Extended care unit.
I HATE visiting Axel. He's just insane.
we ate and listened to the news and he commented on each story telling us who was at fault at what and should be killed in each particular case. Rest assured EVERY story on the news, in his head, could ultimately be resolved by the execution of some hapless schmuck.
Going to see Axel is a marathon event of smiling, nodding and shrugging. I tire easily, but I kept my cool today. I haven't been angry for days now, I'm not about to start quite yet. Not until I get back to work anyways.
We went home and I watched Law and Order.
I made some kappa-maki and california maki to see if I still had the skillz to pay the billz.
I do.
Youger Sister (Karina) came over and topped off the day by doing the general update while watching "the Daily show", "the Colbert report" and Rough Air: Danger on flight 534" starring the efervescent Eric Roberts (from such notable films as "Best of the Best" and "The Prophecy 2")
That's my Monday and Tuesday.
Tommorrow my Brother gets to town and we fight it out for the guestroom.
Thursday the siblings go visit Dad and then go drinking. (Dad has that effect)
Friday is Josh's Birthday.
Saturday I'm back home.
Sunday I start hitting the sauce again.
What a short vacation.