I *heart* Utah!

Sep 14, 2005 13:24

FINALLY! A computer!! With internet! :)

I LOVELOVELOVE it here! The mountains are beautiful and will soon be filled with snow, the nights are filled littered with thousands of stars, my house is on a hill that overlooks a bit of the city, the weather is lovely, the neighbors bring us home-made tomaotes, there are berries and grapes and apple trees in my backyard...and, above all, the guys here are gorgeous. I don't know what it is, but up here there are more Trent-Pruett-hot guys than even average guys!! It's like heaven!

Lol, guess what? I have my AP Art History teacher is named Mrs. Hammond. She definitly no Hammonator though. She's more like a Dunlap than anything else. Y'know, space cadet. It doesnt even feel RIGHT to call her Mrs. Hammond...it's like I'm desecrating the Hammond name. Lol.

Speaking of English (sorta), I love my AP Lit class! I was sooo worried that I'd hate it, but I love it. The teacher's cool, the class is small and smart. And fun. ny. Oh, you other AP ppl in english, did y'all realize that AP English Students is....drum roll please... APES? Yeah, so, we're all apes. Lovely, is it not?

I got a job! I know, it's weird that I have an exclamation point after the despised word "job," but, believe it or not, I'm glad about the job. My first day, it was just me and three other seniors, which is really cool. No adult. And...MONEY!

People are so bad up here though..so RACIST. All the Mexicans sit at one table during lunch and only talk to each other. It's horrible!

It took me a week to find HIM, but I did. I found HIM. The guy I will be crushing on for the next year, lol. Y'all would approve, methinks. Not only do I have a class with him (this one, in fact), but he's also in my church. So we'll be seeing a lot of each other. In fact, at tonight's activity he's going to be a first-hand witness to my prowess in volleyball. Don't die of laughter, Annie-kins dear. Ya, so basically I'm hoping that I get off easy and the ball knocks me out cold. *crossing fingers*

So, hows life everyone? When's Homecoming, and does Tuloso have the slightest chance of not completely desgracing itself?
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