Guilty until proven innocent?

Jul 17, 2005 22:30

Hello, everyone. How are you? I'm.. alright, I guess. Well, not really but I'll get to that. If I feel like it... I donno. We'll see.
So I'm living back in South San Francisco. Heh... I guess it's a good thing. I donno. Though for the most part, it feels like not a lot has changed.. but it has. The main example being my bestfriend Jontue. He's become even colder... maybe because he's out of a job at the moment. But he will most likely be getting a job at Kinkos. So I'm glad for him. Then there's stuff going on between Jess and myself. So I've been fairly.. down.
Many people seem to think I did what I did to hurt her and that I had no consideration of her feelings. -he shakes his head softly- Which brings me to my next point. If any of you, my friends, think this way and have not even spoken to me, or heard anything about my side through my own words, then I really have to wonder if you ever considered me a friend to begin with. I really don't like the idea of being comdemmed without a trial. -smiles- We all have our reasons fir what we do. I am not happy with what I did. Far from it, really. SO! Here we go. -smiles-

-To those of you that wish to comdem me, wish me a horrible life, and never speak to me again, comment and say so. I will remove you from my lj, msn, aim, whatever. Congrats. Your wish is granted. -smiles warmly- Take care of yourself.

- For those of you that have a general idea of what happened and want to hear why I did what I did, feel free to message or e-mail me. Now, I advise you do this only if you're willing to listen to what I have to say without jumping on my ass. Don't have my msn, aim or e-mail? Look in my info. It's there.

- And finally, for those of you who have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about and want to know whats going on. As before, you know how to get in to contact with me so just ask.

Well, thats my update for now. I feel quite better. So I'll look foreward to hearing from some of you in the near future. Good night. ^_^
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