Oct 29, 2012 15:08
changed bags yesterday. forgot my workpass this morning as a result but managed to sneak past security. I hope I remember to dump it in for tomorrow hurhur.
also forgot that I had brought my windbreaker home from office for washing. and that I had also brought home the replacement cardigan because I needed it over the weekend. no jacket in office now. freezing.
also forgot that the said windbreaker has already been washed and dried and technically should be brought to work today.
instead I brought all my squid purchases. well okay, given they were already in my bag from yesterday.
instead I was thinking about whether to bring my book along today. decided no because too fat and heavy.
speaking of which I'd better go to the website and renew it. no way I'm finishing it by tomorrow, 1/3 more to go man. although I read exciting parts faster. I might finish it this week. that'll be awesome.
instead I was also reminding myself to bring my tsume and tape for tomorrow's koto class. which meant that I can't bring above mentioned book, since my bag can't fit all this stuff. then again, as I was telling chun, I wanted to start using my ribbon bow bag again, so it doesn't fall apart. if it hasn't already. the nappa one kind of did -- sadded. although truth be told, it's prettier than it's useful. man.
watched drop over the weekend, and I have to say it's even crappier than crows zero. and it's ridiculous that they start as 15 year olds, and the movie ends when they hit 17. it's just crazy. if not for mizushima hiro and narimiya, plus some parts are actually funny, no way man. I watched most of the movie on x1.5 and the rest on x2.0. but I say yes to blonde hiro and orange narimiya.
back to work. =(