Apr 21, 2008 23:05
setting: hoboken, new jersey- coffee shop with a gorgeous view of manhattan
players: iraq, united states (u.s.)
Act One
u.s.- hey iraq, how have ya been? long time no see
iraq- oh, ya know... been busy trying to rebuild our infrastructure with the help of you guys... you know, like building roads and whatnot... been trying to get electricity to most of the country. you know, we've been building bridges and some shit like that. plus, we've been trying to get some good vacation time in while the rest of the country is totally fucked.
u.s.- yeup, i understand the need for good quality vacation time. yeah, most of us get, well ya know... the standard federal holidays, plus sixteen personal days and twenty-four sick days
iraq- twenty-four?
u.s.- yeup. shit yeah... twenty-four
iraq- allah, damn. ain't that some bullshit... we only get twelve. hey, did the bengals make it last year?
u.s.- oh hell no, they fucked up yet again.
iraq- shame, shame
u.s.- hey uh, iraq. you know we've been trying to help you guys out quite a bit, ya know? with rebuilding and the training of security forces and whatnot... well uh, my bosses are starting to come down on me pretty hard
iraq- okay?
u.s.- yeah, and uhm... well, you guys are going to have to starting paying for this shit yourselves.
iraq- what exactly do you mean?
u.s.- you know... the bill. we're giving you the bill.
iraq- we can't go dutch?
u.s.- no
iraq- oh, well...
-awkward silence-
u.s.- yeah, hey sorry man... i apologize
iraq- but wasn't it you assholes that blew our fucking place up to begin with?
u.s.- well technically, yeah. but really its saddam's fault, because that asshole is the reason we had to go in there.
iraq- what the fuck for?
u.s.- well initially, WMDs, but once we realized our german intel source fucked up on that one... it was about getting rid of the terror and tyranny of an evil man. listen man, saddam was fucking asking for it alright... that cocksucker made us blow the fuck out of your country, and now you have to pay for it. literally.
iraq- oh. okay.
i mean really? that's our next big step? slip iraq the bill? clearly i'm against the war, and think it insane that we are paying for this shit... but we started it! we blew the poor bastards to hell, and now our government is getting shitty with iraq's because they're not paying enough... they need to take over payments. holy shit do we have some balls. guess what, we wouldn't have to do that if we hadn't gone in the first place! you dumb bastards. clearly we can't change the course of history... we've already fucked up... but really, is it their responsibility? its hard to say... what do you think?
also, the fact that the three presidential candidates were scheduled to appear on WWE's "Monday Night Raw", just completely blows my fucking mind. granted, it was for some bullshit WWE sponsored "get kids who think this shit is real to 'SMACK THE VOTE'" campaign or whatever... but really, what has happened to american politics? we have officially jumped the fucking shark.
unfortunately i can never run for office due to this very journal being out there for all to see... but i must say that if i could, if i did, and if i actually won... you can god damn well guarantee that i would bring back the days of beating people over the head with sticks and canes and shit.
i promise, if elected ____________, i james d. eugair will literally beat the shit out of my opponent if need be.
i have a bad feeling about this next one... lets do some simple election math.
we have seven months roughly until the next election. so we have seven months x 3 candidates divided by 50 states... carry the 1... add four... x that by zero... add a -6.3
and uh yeah. that yields
clinton and obama cancel themselves out to the leave the x by itself... the x in this case being fuckface/backstabbing/flip-flopping mccain.
i'm telling you, middle america is already annoyed with the whole clinton-obama ordeal... they don't give a fuck anymore. so, unless some crazy shit happens tomorrow... or hillary comes out with some crazy taxi cab confessions type shit... involving her, the pope, bill.... and some coke or something.... even i don't know what i'm talking about at this point... this fucking entry just keeps going and going.... then the democrats are fucked.
remember. more americans are annoyed by what they perceive to be as "hip" and or "elitist"... therefore middle-mainstream america is preparing to take a shit on obama and hillary.
how can you say this jimmy?
i'm not certain, i'm still trying to figure out the above math problem...
but you have to ask yourself this question.
in our most recent primary... clermont county had about 10,000 more democratic votes than normal... roughly 25,000 i think. is it possible that in only a few years clermont county somehow gained 10,000 democratic voters? i think not... most of these votes of course went to hillary... which is some fucking brilliant "strategery" on behalf of the republicans.
i know, some of you may think i'm paranoid, and am a believer in the mega-Limbaugh conspiracy to have all right-wingers vote for clinton in knowing that she wouldn't stand a chance against mccain... well, who knows? i've had a few run-ins with omega-Limbaugh types, most of whom live in clermont county, and believe me, those crazy cocksuckers will do anything for daddy rush... but the one thing i know for sure is that the local head of the republican party sat there on election night, and before my own eyes... said that indeed, republicans were voting for hillary, and were urged to do so by party officials, knowing that she would indeed lose to mccain in november.
that's why i've said in previous posts, as democrats, we can not accept victory now... which i continue to see all of the time.
there is this false sense of security among democrats, young and old, feeling that we already have this next one in the bag. well i say beware of the GOP... because those crazy fucks will do anything to win. and right now, they're leading us into an ambush... just waiting until they can see the whites of our eyes... honestly, who thought bush would be elected? no one in the fucking world... neither time.
all i'm trying to say is that the democratic party has to do something, and before i go...
fuck libertarians. i swear every libertarian i've ever met was a republican, who openly smoked and/or grew his/her own weed. fucking assholes.