spring is here for sure. last week while driving to indianapolis i ran into a hell of a storm. the lightning was unlike anything i've ever seen before. i'm not the type to get freaked out by storms, hell, i used to just sit out and watch super cells form over the plains while visiting my dad in oklahoma. i've seen a tornado, the same one that hit the air base we lived near, and that destroyed the little town of andover, ks. (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andover,_Kansas_Tornado_Outbreak) i slept through my first hurricane. so in short, the shit doesn't bother me. but while driving up to indy, i ran into some of the craziest lightning i've ever seen. each strike seemed to be getting closer and closer, and my regular somewhat crazy laughter turned into pure nervous laughter. if i had a dollar for every cloud-ground (ground-cloud) strike i had witnessed, i could tell don schneider to blow me, and i'd quit my dumb job. anywho... i've never been so close to lightning in my life. the coolest part though, was when a dart of one billion volts hit so close to my truck (maybe the truck? it happens) that for at least one second everything turned white. to demonstrate, close your eyes and look out the window... that is the only thing i saw. it was fucking great! and of course, since i'm partially crazy, i laughed, a lot...
the other night my friend hoop and i were bored, so i gave him a little tour of cincinnati. he's the type that would rather just stay in the suburban hell in which we were all raised, but i thought that maybe i was doing some sort of community service by taking him out.
we went down ludlow, i showed him where to bring the ladies for the easiest date ever. go to skyline, or amol india for dinner... maybe the place formerly known as UNO, now Za, for some pizza. go to sitwells for crappy coffee and shitty service. go to the esquire to catch a movie and get a free refill on a large popcorn. go to graeters for ice cream. walk around... and yeah...
so we then went down to northside. he seemed fascinated that the area was known as "the gay neighborhood". i pointed out the only decent record shop in town, Shake It. and also pointed out the only place to get a tattoo, Designs by Dana. we then saw some drag queens, and proceeded to leave the area. i went to a drag show at the age of eleven... hoop as had no experience, so yeah.
we drove through clifton and up short vine as all of the teenie pseudo punks were leaving an alkaline trio concert at bogarts. we then went the long way downtown, using vine street as our route. i was going through my standard suburban hip-white kid rant about how it wasn't that bad down in the area where we were. "Over the Rhine isn't that bad really. You can get shot or mugged anywhere."
seven shots rang out. loud and really close. really really close. hoop spent enough time in iraq to tell when gunshots were close or not, and he later said that due to the lack of echo, we were a little too close for comfort. it happened near the intersection of vine and 12th. when the shots were fired, we both looked back, surprisingly calm, and watched as the people around us started running. cars were speeding off in every direction, it was outstanding. we waited for the light to change, and drove off. once again the nervous laughter took over. we laughed all night long, and called everyone we could. it was funny for a long time, but of course we thought about the possibility of someone being killed. the shots were so steady, we thought for sure someone had been killed. this was taken from a local news website.
LAST UPDATE: 4/16/2006 11:50:46 AM-Cincinnati Police are looking for a black male with the nickname of "Chico" in the shooting of one man and the near-shooting of another. It happened around 11 Saturday night in the 1200 block of Vine Street in Over The Rhine. One victim was shot in the right foot. Another was grazed on the left forearm. No motive given for the shooting.
seven shots and only scored a foot! ha! the weird thing was, when we made it downtown, there were two news crews getting ready to do a report. i rolled down the window and told one of the camera men that he was missing the story, that shots were just fired on Vine. the young dude turned around and said "So! What is else is new? Have a good night." what a wanker.