Me in D&D correct as of 2003...

Jan 23, 2009 21:37

I totally made up 2003 because it rhymed, but the more I think about it the more I think that was the real year... either that or 2002

Anyway, I used to play D&D a lot. My ex-boyfriend started a campaign for his friends at UD and me where we would be sitting around playing D&D and suddenly get sucked into the world. We spent about 2 weeks figure out what our real stats were.

Fitness test for Strength, guestimate on how often we'd been sick over the past year for Constitution, stretching tests for Dexterity, one of those silly internet IQ tests for Intelligence, I think a random guess for Wisdom, and we all voted on who we thought was the most charismatic and got our Charisma scores from that. This was my real results:

STR - 3 (I'd like to think I'm higher now that I've been working out every now and then over the past two years, like, at least a 4... You would be surprised how low everyone's was)
CON - 10 (I hadn't gotten mono by this point)
DEX - 13
INT - 14
WIS - 12
CHA - 16

Race - Human, of course
Alignment - Lawful Good
Class - dual Sorceress (the class is based on Charisma and I could get a dragon familiar, duh) and Bard (again, duh)
Feats - flute playing is all I can remember for my feats, though I'm sure I had more

Commence making fun of me or like, totally tell me what you think my updated stats would be!!!


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