Flag Football Originally uploaded by
In 2004 I went to a Cru meeting. They were signing up for the Cru intermural flag football team. I signed up because it sounded like fun and maybe one day if I'm bored I could do it. Turns out only four other girls signed up. You have to have at least three girls to play the game or it is an automatic forfeit, so I was kind of forced into playing all the time. It ended up being a bunch of fun and I made a new good friend in Kristen Lucas.
After our first play off game (every team who played ended up getting in because not enough teams played that year) we actually won, so we had a party at Kristen's. Kristen and I tried on our Halloween costumes to see if everyone else thought they were good.
This is the best picture of me in the Holly Gollightly costume. Too bad Drew stuck his hand on my hat...
10.04 Flag Football