Jun 02, 2006 23:34
Ok, here's the breakdown:
Thursday- went to work at the Wick House
Today- Cleaned my room and watched Casablanca with Alex
And now for the details:
-It was hot
-I mean, really, really hot
-I got to wear replica period clothing and play period games! WHeeeeeeeeEE
-First day on the job, and around 70 second graders showed up in four different groups. Ack.
-The day was fun, but I was glad it was over. Basically, I started at 9:30 and left at 4:30. Yeah.
-The shoes ladies wore back then. SUCKED. LIKE. WHOA. And my feet were all achy and sad :(
-But then Alex came over, cheered me up, and rubbed my feet :) What a sweetheart!
-I was really tired, so I went to bed early :/
-Woke up pretty late
-Tried to procrastinate about cleaning my room by playing neopets. The Altador plot, specifically. DAMN YOU, SPELLBOOK!!!
-My ruse didn't work, so I marched back up to my room.
-Danced a little, but then realized that I couldn't really because there was so much crap around my room.
-Gave in and cleaned my room. Arg.
-Pauline doesn't like cleaning her room.
-Pauline gets a little unhinged during and after cleaning her room.
-Pauline doesn't mind cleaning other people's rooms.
-Just so we're clear.
-Called Alex, who had a pretty fun day (envy, whut?) Asked if he could come over, and after a few squishues (yes, squishues) he said he'd be ready
-Mom went to pick up my other parental unit, and offered to pick up Alex. I called and he said OK.
-THEN I forgot that I hadn't cleaned myself up along with my room.
-Jumped in the shower and got dressed barely 2 minutes before everyone got home
-This, of course, meant I didn't eat.
-After shoving a piece of toast in my mouth and hugging Alex, the both of us watched Casablanca!
-It's a good movie, I'd reccomend it. At first I was skeptical, but it's really neat. A lot of
hidden meanings, but sometimes a little predictable. Overall, I'd say: GO RENT IT!!1one1
-It was late, and I had to bring Alex home so he'd be able to sleep enough for his work at 8am.
So, a prett good two days...well, except for the cleaning part. Ewww.
I think that a mixture of me being a little nuts to start with+me cleaning my room+not eating before seeing Alex= poor Alex being scared and/or creeped out. :( He thinks that I didn't like the movie at all, but I did. It's just that I'm too much of a spazz most of thesometimes....ah well. I hope that he wasn't to creeped out to watch more movies with me in the future.
Ok, now I'm going to make some icons from orlyowl.com for lj. Blame Alex, he introduced me to that. And I thank him every day for that!! XD WHOO!!