It turns out the damage to the walls and floors of our apartment is worse than they thought. Right now we're using the bathroom in the vacant apartment next to us because we can't go into ours. They've offered, however, to have us permanently move into that apartment.
- it will make us pack stuff up and purge early so that when we buy a house we'll already have a lot of packing done
- we won't have to walk through the apartment entryway to get to a bathroom
- there's a bit more room in the other apartment
- I won't have to listen to construction noise while they fix the apartment
- the view from that apartment sucks
- the balcony faces a walkway so I can't put the dogs out there when we leave in hopes of not annoying the neighbors because people walking by will just set Roman off.
- moving is a pain in the ass. Moving twice in close succession is a pain in the entire body.
- we're going to have to decide what we can't live with for a while so it can stay packed until we get a house
- and did I mention - the view sucks. In our current apartment we can leave the blinds and curtains open because no one can really see in since it faces the dog park and is two stories up. In the new apartment, it's on the same floor but it's at the front of the building so it's on ground level. If we leave the blinds open to let light in then everyone can see right into the apartment.
So overall, I don't really want to move into that apartment, but it will probably be easier in the end. I sure hope we find a house soon!