Fun Night

May 04, 2003 00:04

Well its been a while since I updated. I just kind of forgot that I had a journal. Well enough about that.

Tonight I was at Kierstin's house with the Heather's Jason Amber and Kierstins mom. (Chris) All of us were sitting around playin the drums and the guitar and singin songs when someone mentions that we should go on a raod trip. Everyone began to throw out ideas. Some said Findley Lake others said Lillydale. Well someone else said that we should go to Gursney. So well all decided that we should go there. Well the next thing was we had to find a way to get there. Well Kierstins mom was a little drunk. Not much. She was just past her happy zone. So we talked her into takin Kierstins dads car. Her dad was gone at the time we took the car. So we shoved Me, Kierstin, Jason, the Heathers, and Kierstins mom all into her dads car. Cooley had to sit in the back laying across me Kierstin and Jason. We stopped so that she could get up front with Chris and Peelman. So we were well on our way to Gurnsey. (Mind you its like 8:30PM when we left. So by the time we got there it was dark.) When we turned on to Gurnsey Road this car followed us. It was like on our ass. We let the car pass us. When we got there we all walked up the hill to the cemetary. I didnt want to go in cause I was getting a wierd vibe by being there. Cooley didnt want to go in either. She was getting odd vibes too. Jason, Kierstin, Chris and Peelman all went in. As they walked around Jason heard somethin and he wanted to leave. Chris and Kierstin heard it also. So we decided to leave. We all got in the car and left.

As we left we were listenin to music really loud. Then Chris told us to stop cause she had to potty. So we stopped on the side of the road. When we stopped a sheriff pulled up next to the intersection behind us. So we all got back in the car. We started to drive away and he follows us. We were sure to do the speed limit. We all had our seatbelts on. (sort of) We drive for about a few miles then he stops us. He had no reason to stop us. He asked for the lisence and regestration and all that good stuff. He also asked what we were doin out there. Chris awnsered that we went to Gurnsey and the officer said that it was closed. We were sure to tell him that we just drove by. But Chris didnt realize what she said cause she was so drunk. Then he asked Chris if she had dropped somethin back where she took her pee. She said that Mother Nature called and she had to wipe. It was so funny cause she was so drunk. He had to let us off cause he didnt have anything on us. He told Peelman not to drive so fast when there is a cop behind her next time. She wasnt driving that fast. Oh well they had some kind of stick up their asses.

As we were driving back in to town, we passed a mobile home and Chris thought it was an ambulance. We all laughed at her and told her that it wasnt. When we got back to the house I found out that mother was mad cause I didnt call and tell her where I was going. Oh well she got over it.

Well thats about all for now. Talk to you later.
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