May 06, 2006 13:58
I'm currently home alone... sister is out at the spa with her friends... other sis is at her bf's.. and yesh.. so i'm home alone. So here's what i do.....
i got up... went on msn....... got kinda hungry.. and decided to make a salad. And while i'm making my salad.. washing the lettuce.. i got a gash on my finger. I was using the salad spinner.. and as i cranked that lil handle thing.. my nail gouged into the nuckle on my other hand. took off a small layer of skin. it was fantastic... it didn't bleed much so i just kinda ignored it.. after a minute or so of cleaning it... i went back to my salad... but then looked at my finger again.. and it was full of BLOOD. i was like.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eyes bulge* so i went.. okay.. i need a bandaid. so i walked over to the bathroom.. and along the way.. i started singing.. about how i need a bandaid. i was singing something like.. "i need a bandaid bandaid bandaiddd..." using the beat of sum song, i dont' remember what it was now. and the beat gradually changed into a different song.. because... well u know how some songs sound similar.. and u end up singing parts of that song, instead of the one u originated with. JUST cuz the beat was so similar. anyway... maybe i'm crazy.. but yesh, that's what happened. It was actually quite amusing.. i went around the house for 5 minutes... singing about my bandaid. after i got my bandaid, my lyrics consisted of things like.. "got a bandaid bandaid bandaid yaaaaaay... i need a bandaid cuz i'm bleedingggggggggggggggg." i dunno.. i can't seem to remember what i said anymore :P. i had more rhymes... lol.
So yesh.... when i'm home alone... i talk to myself a great deal. come to think of it.. when i'm alone in the car i talk to myself, and sing to myself... (but who doesn't sing to themselves). *LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* oh i'm a tool.. teehee..