The UN is coming, the UN is coming!

May 14, 2010 15:48

 Okay, so why do a lot of people think the UN has the power to enforce any of the resolutions it passes? I mean, come on! The UN doesn't have a universal standing army! It basically has no teeth! So why do people think the UN can solve everything??? It can only make suggestions and hope that every country that signs onto a resolution passed will uphold its honour to uphold the resolution to the best of its abilities, and when a country doesn't, and the UN doesn't agree with it, the UN can only strongly suggest that the country change its ways. Really!

So, the relevance of this is because of Theory of Knowledge class today. We were discussing the UN Declaration of Human Rights and people kept saying, "How can the UN enforce this," or, "Well, countries aren't doing so and so, so why isn't the UN enforcing it?" I was getting kind of annoyed how they didn't know how the UN works, and even my teacher stated several times that the UN can't enforce anything for the life of it, and still kids say, "UN enforce this" and so on and so forth!

Really, kids in America should learn how the UN works. I'm in my school's Model United Nations, and when I go to conferences, there are STILL kids who think the UN can enforce its resolutions. *head-->desk* Oh, America. You fail with your lack of global knowledge.

rant, tok, un, mun, class

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