Thu, 13:41: RT @ iamCUDii: RT IF YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT : ╔══════╦═╗╔═╦═══╦═╦═══╗ ║░╔╗╔╗░║░║║░║╚══╣░║░╔═╝ ║░║╚╝║░║░╚╝░╠══╗║░║░╚═╗ ╚═╝░░╚═╩════╩═══╩═╩═══╝
Thu, 13:46: Bonjour, Pierre et Jean. Comment-allez vous? Je dois lire votre roman. Pas interessant.
Thu, 13:48: I'm only a couple of French classes away from having a French minor. But what in the world will I do with it...????
Thu, 17:35: Accidentally locked myself in my closet. Thank goodness my roommate was there to let me out. orz
Thu, 20:50: I hate walking back to my dorm alone at night.
Fri, 11:26: Apparently my winter break technically lasts from December 17 to the end of January...