Aug 29, 2011 12:24
- Sun, 16:04: No, I would not like to attend this Stanford/Harvard/Georgetown/Penn info session. Try again in four years when I'm ready for law school.
- Sun, 16:05: Or how about you don't send me college mail in general? kthxbai
- Sun, 18:47: I would've gotten the HP Tablet PC had I known I would be using it a lot in my Japanese labs... ( ; ____ ; )
- Sun, 20:28: It's balmy outside, but cold enough in my room to break out the jackets and hot chocolate.
- Sun, 20:53: Like mother, like son, taking advantage of Severus like that~
- Mon, 10:43: How did I get roped into anime club? Oh, right. They guilted me because I'm a Japanese student...
- Mon, 12:05: Yay! Ticket to see Yo-Yo Ma!