Feb 15, 2011 16:25


Haha. Okay. So, I plan on updating this journal at least once a month. Swear it on all that is good and holy. If I don't, someone send a shark my way. ANYWAY! Guess what? I have a website! And another blog that's just about my daily life...ergo all of my tweets on a convenient daily basis. Once I have a life again, yeah. There will be drastic updates.


1) I need to finish building my site. Oh, HTML and CSS. I hate you two.

2) I need to load all of my stories onto lj and link them to my website (because creating separate pages for each piece of art/writing is just the biggest HTML pain in the ass ever).

3) SCHOOL. OMG, school. Senior year in high school, and I'm doing the IB programme. Quick! What should I do for CAS?!?!?! I'm short several hours!!! DDDDDDD:

4) MUN! MUN! Bulgaria, what's your view point of immigration and assimilation of Middle Easterners? SERIOUSLY?

So, while I'm running around like a chicken with its head chopped off, trying to get my life back in order, I'm going to be gone...

In my dreams. XD

rant, break, school, gone

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