May 01, 2012 07:53
No sooner does my second roommate move out, having bought his own house (congrats him!), than the sewage is backing up again. I had the pipe Roto Rootered about a year and a half ago and hoped the roots wouldn't grow back so fast. I only have second hand experience at the moment as I was told about the problem on my commute to work. Just what I don't want to deal with immediately after replacing a water heater and then having a cut in house income.
I'll see about pouring chemicals down it when I get home, but I suspect that like last time it won't have much effect. I'll probably spring for a camera inspection on top of the pipe scraping so I know what kind of condition the pipe is in. I don't want to do it, but it may be a good idea for a full sewage line replacement next time it happens. The house is late 60's, so odds are good that the pipe is some kind of clay or iron and approaching end of life. At least the new pipes they use have a 100 year expectancy and I should be well buried by the time the problem comes up again.