Right now i'm really really tired. I just arrived from my class of japanese. It was about a month since I didn't go, so when i first went the last monday, all my classmates were surprised and cry out a big greeting, they're so nice haha. That day I remembered how much I love learning japanese and learning about their culture. They never cease to amaze me.
There was a exercise about tansu (簞笥 / たんす), so my teacher talked us about a typical tradition from Nagoya. I was searching in internet to know more about it, but I couldn't find anything. Tansu is traditional Japanese chest. This is really important for a woman. When they marry they show it for all guests. Inside there's their kimonos, and their parents try to full it for their daughters, because she'll use it for all their life. Sometimes they show their tansu in a truck for all the town. Amazing isn't it? I could never imagine something like that.
Today we cook okonomiyaki (
お好み焼き), it was really fun, and I realized my cooking skills haha. We had to read the recipe in japanese step by step, and it's pretty easy, but I have to obtain all the stuff in korean market. I forgot to carry my camera, but It looks like this
And I also eat cake of green tea, I love it, I must obtain the recipe to cook it often, I bring some for my mom. I think eating japanese food is the best, it's really healthy, and even more when you can cook it by yourself.
I was thinking to go to sleep early today, usually I go to the bed like 4 am, today i'm really tired, but just now are showing Aladdin on disney channel *dies*, my favourite disney movie, so i don't have choise, I wanna watch it lol.