
Sep 03, 2005 07:37

Okay, where do I start? I've been working at ResNet the past four days. I've been at it from about 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM with an hour break for lunch. I've been a titch tired. Collette moved in on the 28th. It was fun getting all her stuff upstairs (/sarcasm), but Scott was a HUGE help and was here. He's been uber-helpful these past few weeks... helping me and Collette move in on separate days, building me a flashgun for my halloween costume..

Other apartment news: Jess and Jackie move in today, so that aught to be interesting. Luckily I won't be around when they all move in, so woot! I'll just be trying not to commit suicide over at ResNet (it's a stressful job, I won't even get into details. Working IT help for the entire campus gets a little... busy...) Anywho. The stove was leaking gas, and the oven section was busted. So we got Frank (landlord) in to take a look at it, and he said he'd buy us a new stove. We were supposed to get it yesterday. So they took the old stove away, and... the guys didn't deliver the new one. So now we have a decisive lack of a stove in the kitchen. Oh well. Microwave it is. Oh, and the fireplace in my room is leaking gas. And they don't know if they can fix it. Go life.

Well I'm off to work now. TTFN!
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