Just so that I don't seem too angsty teenagery cryptic:
"This is the end!"
Potential suicide love notes and what not let me explain the last post. RL demands and crap are taking their toll and on me and it making me all kinds of like stressed out. Weeks ago I couldn't work on a Kamishibai to save my life. No joke and no lie. I could BARELY even draw. I had people fluffing my spirits, who I do appreciate, but I just could get anything done.
Then this whole thing with the Free Zone Change, which seemed like a good idea, has revealed...some things that were not being brought to my attention. That's resolving itself more or less in a way that will be better for all.
And only recently have I been able to get some work done on something and I have no idea how to preview it or even if I should. It's being rather demanding on skills as an artist ^_^; And I'm not sure I can handle this muse.
It just feels like I'm up to my neck in water sometimes.
Which is odd because usually sitting in water up to my neck is my way to DE-stress (nice hot bath), but I can't do THAT.
So many worries. I think that Mock Turtle had a poem about this...
http://ingeb.org/songs/willyouw.html That one. It may seem like the other animals have a point but...I think the snail may know that if they throw it out to see. It doesn't matter the distance...the sea is full of salt. =/
Anyway time for bed. Hopefully GGG will be ready for everyone by next week (that is not what I am working on by-the-by.)
Laters all