~dream now, my butterfly~|~I will hold you while you sleep~

May 29, 2003 13:43

It is always difficult for me; to watch my friends laugh together. It is even harder to watch them cry and know I can no longer comfort them... can I? I met You today, one of Gakuto's band mates. I still do not know where I dreamed him, but it felt familiar somehow. Death is strange like that. He wept and broke my still heart. I reached out to stroke his hair as I once would have and then embraced him, comforting him as I would have done for Gakuto; as I would have done were I alive.

He stopped crying.

That moment his tears ceased and he thanked me without knowing it; it is a part of this walking dream that I remember vividly... I suppose it will fade with the other memories I have dreamt, fade into mist until I can only remember silhouettes of the living. Until then, I will remember his voice and soar upon them, feeling alive again if only for a brief moment.
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