May 03, 2004 00:53
i feel like dying now. :( still sick, and i don't want to write my essay anymore. currently unable to gather my thoughts and put them coherently in words. argh. but my essay's due tomorrow [!]... ah this is what i deserve for procrastinating. not going to sleep tonight, wahahaha.
quotes for my own personal reference later:
"all excess, as well as all renunciation, brings its own punishment."
- oscar wilde
"肉体,肉体哪里靠得住?只有艺术,只有艺术才能长存!" 所以他把我们王国里的美少年,都画成了图画。
- 白先勇,《孽子》
and the jerk from lit class likes jrock. 0_o quite surprised when he mentioned gackt and malice mizer on his blog, heh.
i like my new icon. :) picture emailed to me by sze, thanks girl. for the uninitiated, it's jo hyun-jae [aka andrei] from (advertisement!) 情书, a korean drama currently airing on channel 56 at 7PM, every thursday and friday. (/advertisment!) he's a very very shuai priest torn between his love for this girl and his aspiration to devote his life to God. and i reckon he's in love with his rival in love and half-brother youzheng as well, but sze would probably violently object to such a suggestion. XD everytime we go through donne's poetry i invariably think about andrei, because the themes in both their lives are so similar. haha.
i want to take part in this fic contest but i ultimately suck at fic-writing, so...
ok back to work.