It's not dead yet!

Mar 23, 2006 09:57

Just heard back from our realtor. The sellers live in Cali so it is too early to call them this morning. The seller's agent said that the price is a little low but she likes the no provisions part of the P&S. Our agent got a good vibes that the sellers may be willing to take the loss and sell us the property (being the sure thing) over the other couple who gave a full price offer (we offered 15K under asking due to our financial needs AND due to the risk we are taking with our condo). I don't know whether to jump up and down that it is still a possibility or to barf!

I know Cali and 15K is what some people spend on a weekend away. It is piddly-sqaut. Hopefully the sellers are these kind of people!!!

Side note...why does my child take long naps ONLY when I want to go somewhere. Here I am STARING at her to wake up so we can go to library story time. I refuse to wake her but I did put the TV on so she can hopefully wake herself. ;)
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