“To Aru Hikuushi e no Tsuioku,” the upcoming anticipated film from animation studio Madhouse, now has an official voice cast for its leads. The protagonist Karino Charles will be played by Kamiki Ryunosuke (18), while the heroine Fana del Moral will be played by model and gravure idol Taketomi Seika (16).
The movie is based on the fantasy light novels of the same name by Inumura Koroku, about a mercenary pilot named Charles (Kamiki) who takes on an assignment to protect a girl named Fana (Taketomi), the successor to an empire’s throne.
A veteran staff has been assembled for the project, including director Shishido Jun (“Saiunkoku Monogatari”), screenwriter Okudera Satoko (“Summer Wars,” “Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo”), and character designer Matsubara Hidenori (the new “Neon Genesis Evangelion” films).
Kamiki has had plenty of major voice acting roles, such as starring in the previous Madhouse film “Summer Wars.” He has also been in a couple of Studio Ghibli films, with his most recent one being last year’s “Karigurashi no Arrietty.”