Myojo 11.2008 Arashi's Favorite Traveling Goods

Oct 29, 2008 11:56


This is just a short translation that I did today. It's only one of the Arashi pages in the Nov. issue of Myojo. My translation isn't really word for word, so please forgive me for any mistakes. You can skip over my random comments. ^^

As you all know about the Arashi Around Asia '08 tour, let's see what the guys bring when they go on trips~  

Enjoy the translation~

Arashi: My Favorite Travel Goods
Feel worried when you don’t have these on a trip? Please tell us what necessities to bring!
These are our “beloved” travel goods!

I’ve never been overseas privately…When I travel for work, I don’t change [or do nothing special] if I go on tours to other places. Pants and socks, T-shirts, like these kinds of stuff. If it’s something that I’d feel troubled if I didn’t have it, music player. Even though I said that, I just put [stuff] in my bag normally. When I’m either on the plane or in the car, if I listen to music, I feel at peace no matter how many hours it is.
[Such a typical, expected reponse from the laid-back Riida.]

If it’s now, I’ll definitely bring a deck of cards ne. First, it’d be good if it’s a group of people. [...unsure] After that, should I bring my magic books? Mah, a necessity would be passport, right? When I went to America, I brought my laptop and clothes to change. When I go on an overseas tour, I’ll bring things like pants and socks. It won’t change if I go to Okinawa yo.
[Notice how both Ohno and Nino say pants and socks in that same order. The subtleness of Ohmiya, that is! I’m thinking too much, obviously.

I bring things such as DVDs and books, but when I go alone, I rarely have time to watch or read them. However, I’ll definitely bring my digital camera and music [player]. I brought my digital camera this time too, and it was useful for communication. As for the music that I always listen to, I choose it depending on my mood and the different locations. It’s interesting how my impression changes, and I do listen to a lot of music when I’m traveling.
For the camera/communication part, Jun probably means using his camera to show pictures to the children in Cambodia as a way of communication. Thank you  poupeedesoie for explaining.]

My camera and video camera are definitely things I’ll bring. When I record, I don’t edit anything yo, since I think if I leave everything as is, it’s too good. For things that I bring other than those, I don’t really feel like going all out. About 3 T-shirts, a folded long-sleeved shirt, things that are appropriate. After that, because I want to put the map in my head [literal], I’ll bring about 2 guidebooks when I go.
[Video camera? Most people don't bother recording videos now, except for the fathers who record their kids. Well, we all know that Sho has a fatherly figure. ^^ Haha, Sho sounding confident in his works again...hmmm...]

Basically, I don’t have much luggage, only bringing things like T-shirts and pants. I don’t like lifting luggage. I’ve never been robbed ne. However, recently, when I went to Okinawa privately, I had a lot of luggage and I went with a suitcase. When I go for work, the staff prepares for me, so I can travel light. Thank you, staff!
[Lol at Aiba's random response. Robbery? XD]


Thank you yuckie_chan for providing the scans so I can read the article.

Ok. The following isn't in the Myojo article, but it's somehow related. It's from the very end part of the latest Himitsu no Arashi-chan episode on Oct. 30, and I thought that it's kinda related to this topic. Plus, it's funny. So, after Arashi voted either "yes" or "no" on whether the guest packs a lot when she goes on trips, they had a conversation like this (not really word for word...)~

Sho: (pointing at Ohno) Ohno-san, a long time ago, when we went to Australia, he had something like a fanny pack/waist pouch.
Jun: Ohno was like selling something.
[I only caught the word "selling" and "what" here, but anyways, this only lasted for like 2 secs.]
Jun: He folded his underwear and other stuff really small, and put everything in it [fanny pack].
[Aiba and Sho making a gesture (curling their thumbs and other fingers to make small circles with their hands) to demonstrate how Ohno rolled his stuff up.]
Ohno: If you rolled them up, you can put many of them in it.

[LOL! XDD Riida, you're sooo funny.]

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arashi, translation: myojo

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