Apparently there's NO damn archetype about how to name posts here, so fuck it....

Jan 25, 2010 12:45

My username is kamikazesoul.
I created this profile over a year ago and haven't posted in almost a year. My bad.

Such an atrocity has been caused by nothing more than my own anxiety and apathy. Sorta. I have been occupied with various educational and professional exploits (SATs were not as easy as I thought), and thus my desire to post anything has been made secondary. Now that a majority of said exploits have been completed and my circumstances have changed (i.e. Got my own laptop so I don't have to use my dad's , monolithic, XP-using, slow as a turtle in tar, ancient artifact of a computer to go online anymore), I shall do so no longer.

In order to commemorate my revival of this blog I have changed the journal style, subtitle and friends page title. I did not change the journal title because, well, it's just too damn cool. I shall peruse the LJ and learn as much of how it works as I can (for example, I still don't know how to change those goddamn smileys). I will post anything in RL or the Internet that I see as significant, creative or entertaining. Any comments,positive or negative, will be well-appreciated (I'm lookin at you, kurifurinkan )

If you can read this, you are the resistance.
I love saying that.
Kamikaze, over and out.

allow me to reintroduce myself..

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