(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 08:57

I don't think life is any worse than usual right now, I just think I'm not dealing with it as well, for whatever reason. Well, I guess there is a new x-factor...

I went to bed in a bad mood last night, again. This time I was angry/upset rather than depressed/upset. And I feel I was pretty justified. Maybe not. I have no grasp on reality at the moment.

Then on the way to work today some guy tried to get in a fight with me. He looked like Dr. Phil with 50 less pounds on him. He was riding my ass on 27. I'm talking he couldn't get any closer. If the wind had suddenly blown a couple miles-per-hour faster, he would have gone into the back of me. I'm not in the mood to deal with this guy endangering my life because he's going through a mid-life crisis. He's trying to go 80+ on a single lane, semi-windy road. When he goes to pass me I flip him off, because, well, he deserved it. So he immediately cuts me off and slams on his brakes. After narrowly avoiding slamming into the back of him, I flipped him off again, because, well, he deserved it even more this time. Apparantly this guy's ego was terribly crushed by some dumb kid giving him the finger, so he slammed on his brakes again. After narrowly avoiding an accident again, I flipped him off for the third time. At this point he wildly starts pointing to the side of the road, trying to get me to pull over. I'm thinking, who the fuck is this joker that he's going to tell me to get off to fight him? So I mockingly point to the side of the road too. I have no intention of pulling over, but I figure if I can get this asshole to pull over I can drive on and have him out of my way. So he starts to swing over, I start to speed up, and when he sees I have no intention of pulling over, he swings back into the road. I then honk at him as he speeds off.
Seriously, what is this guy's deal? It would be one thing if he was in a rush to get somehwere, if there was an emergency. He'd still be driving recklessly, but at least as a human being he would have an excuse. But clearly there was no emergency, he wasn't even running late to work, because he still had the time to slam on his brakes twice, and had plenty of time to get off the road and out of his car to confront me. How dumb does this guy think I am?

Sweet. Great start to my day.
It's going to be a long one.
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