Sep 30, 2008 15:36
Hey gang,
My body is totally broken right now. I honestly don't think I sat down once this past weekend. Not that it wasn't totally worth it: Emma and I saw "Wig Out" and "[title of show]" on Broadway, both of which were quite rad (at least, I thought so). But between walking all night on Friday with Jeff and Pat (discussing Wrath of Kahn), walking all day Saturday with Emma (discussing theater and seeing theater) and walking all day Sunday with Cassie (discussing Jesus/Legolas slash fiction and lasagna), I covered an awful lot of ground.
Every muscle in my body is screaming at me. And work isn't making it better (every other supervisor at work is Roshing the crap out of their Hashanahs today). So I think my fun evening plans for this week are going to be something involving a large bathtub full of hot water, some Mr. Bubble, and my skin going all pruney. I know, I know: I party like a rock star.