I am planning on running that evil campaign, i am planning to run it on weekends when taylor is busy so we wouldn't be able to play our normal group, i would like to run it in davis, but may not be able to if jason's work schedule is too hectic. I will keep you updated but look at SRD and Crystalkeep for character ideas, i will be allowing evil
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Also do you guys want to roll your own stats, or would you like me to roll them here and tell you so you can make your characters on your own. I usually like to oversee character creation but if you feel comfortable enough with the character creation process to do it on your own you are welcome to.
im going over to your place probably on friday, i will roll while you oversee.
And i still cant decide on whether i should be a tank, or a damage dealer. Im looking to later become a blackguard. Thoughts anyone?
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