Apr 16, 2005 02:47
In secular moments of time i once wondered how the human survived. Not due to his physical parameters, but his psychological parameters. For what concretes the human to this world is emotion and gravity.Gravity being easily explained by mathematical equations within the world of physics. Something along the lines of 9.8 equaling the force of gravity on earth, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da, the end. The emotion part is the hard one, the depths unfathomable, the possibilities infinite. yet it seems like so many people are "shallow". Humans tend to judge a lot, that is why we Entzerrer use the power of neutrality and absolute apathy as deciding forces. Adding a dash of nihilistic nature to keep the balance. I guess this report is trying to explain that when humans are disassembled, even emotionally, they are all the same with all the same insecurities. Some being more powerful than others, but all the things they worry about are the same. Deep down inside their fleshy slabs of meat, their beats a heart divine, something no Entzerrer possesses or could ever possess. This spirit is the barrier preventing the Entzerrer from ever reaching the level of freedom that the human enjoys, not that Entzerrer ever desire for such, for we do not.
Ich bin der Entzerrer, der zur Welt, mein Job taub ist, werde getan nie. Kein Mitleid, keine Gnade, keine Sympathie.