sabog thoughts

Jul 22, 2007 20:52

I was reading a back issue of newsweek and oddly enough, I saw a picture of Paris Hilton and on top of her picture was prison cell picture. It's really peculiar that both pictures would be on the same page and worse, why would paris hilton be on newsweek.It just doesn't add up!and fast track a few months later, she's in prison. I guess what I'm trying to drive at is that the universe tries to drop us hints as to what we're about to face.Call it predestination, call it fate.But the idea is similar to how the greeks in the mythologies we read that tell predictions from the symbols they see.I guess, in our case, it's not analytical anymore but more of a tangible manifestation of what is to come, but we are so caught up in our own lives that we don't really see them. It's like tripping over rock but then the rock had always been there. It's really uncanny, if not maybe coincidental.But I'd like to believe that everything in this world makes sense and forms this interdependent cluster of what is suppose to be a world of free will, but the freewill actually comes from the act of another, changing your allotted path. because he did what he was suppose to do and with that change, the world changes and thus,"freewill".I can't seem to put in to words the ideas coursing through my mind right now.Maybe its an enlightenment if not, maybe just coffee.

sabog thoughts

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