
May 29, 2007 02:25

I just finished watching Braveheart and I think that he is right when he says that "every man dies, but not every man lives". Wallace was murdered for standing up for what he believed in because it was not what the King believed. But now a days we don't have Kings, and can not be murdered by their will when we stand up for what we believe in...
So as for those that bring down people that are standing up and fighting for what they believed in, much like Wallace, I ask you; do you do this because you are afraid of change? Or do you bring them down because you, yourself do not stand up for your own beliefs?
For those that do stand up for what you believe I commend you on your bravery, and I wish you the best of luck in succeeding in trying to make then world today a better place.
One person alone can not make a difference, but it only takes one person to begin a revolution that can make a difference. And if you don't believe this, then look at Wallace and the vast difference that he made to Scotland.
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