Nov 09, 2005 19:57
We've had fun the last bandmeet. We got out our guitars and praticed Dir en Grey's "Yokan". Tiara played Koaru's part really well!! She is really good at the guitar, which impressed me. She's going to print out and bring the other parts (as well as other DEG songs) so we can pratice and play together as a band. :) Meanwhile maybe we can pratice some x-mas songs just to get into some simple stuff so we can learn chords as well get into a little improv. It would do us good to come up with some of our own stuff.
So yeah, I have high hopes for the band. Can't wait until the day I get our amps up here and the drum set so we can go full into it! But we'd probably either live in a rental house or rent some storage space to pratice that that level. Meanwhile just playing accustically at least gets our talent into the making and us into good pratice habbits. :) Which pratice is good!
I've been praticing every day so I'll be ready for this weekend gig! I am excited and yet worried, but I know I will do alright. Nothing exxostic or exciting, just two or three simple kid's songs. It's al;l good. :)