'Cause I'm a sheeeeeeep

Mar 17, 2010 01:50

I do a fandom meme. Wheeee.


1. The first character I fell in love with: Gojyo. Ironically, it was because of a previous fandom character that I loved - namely Daryan Crescend from GS4, something that'll be discussed more later ;)

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sanzo. I thought he was a total jerk when I was first introduced to the series, and I have to admit, I love him a lot now.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't/feel a little indifferent toward: Umm...probably Lirin. I don't mind her, but I just can't seem to connect with her. Not to say anything bad about Minekura (who is akin to a deity to me) but Lirin just seems like a Goku clone tacked on to Kougaiji's team to make the mirror of the Ikkou work.

4. The character I love/enjoy that everyone else/quite a few other people seem to hate: Ukoku/Nii. I adore the man. He's a psycho and a bastard, but I just love him. XD

5. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Umm...this one doesn't actually apply to me. None of the ones that I adore have really fallen from my esteem.

6. The character I would shag any time: ...I have to pick one? How the hell do I pick just one? Umm...probably Gojyo. 'Cause he has the most experience...? Plus I adore him.

7. The character I'd want to be like: Koumyou Sanzo. Hands down.

8. The character I'd slap: Probably Kami-sama. Though there have been moments when I've wanted to slap Sanzo, Gojyo, and Hakkai too.

9. A pairing that I love: 5/8

10. A pairing that I hate/am not fussed about: 8/9. I mean...wtf guys.

11. My five six or seven favorite characters: Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai, Goku, Gat, Ukoku, Koumyou. In no particular order.

12. My five six or seven least favorite characters: Kami-sama, Chin Yisou, Hwang (the lady who works in the lab with Nii), Hazel, Touten Li. Again, in no particular order.

13. Which character I am most like: Umm...I'd say I'm a mix of Goku and Gojyo, mostly.

14. My deep, dark fandom secret: Ummmm...whenever I'm trying (and inevitably failing) to be cool, I think of what Gojyo would say or do in a situation. >///>

Ace Attorney

1. The first character I fell in love with: Good ol' Feenie, of course.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Franziska von Karma. She's just so cute~. Apollo Justice is a close second. I didn't think I'd like Phoenix's 'replacement', but he turned out cute and personable.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't/feel a little indifferent toward: Maya. I like her, she's adorable, but really I like Kay Farriday better as a sidekick character.

4. The character I love/enjoy that everyone else/quite a few other people seem to hate: Kristoph Gavin! Another evil, plotting, crazy character...huh, I think I have a problem XD

5. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Ummm...probably Lawyer! Phoenix. I love Hobo! Phoenix better. He just seems like a more mature guy. And yes, I do consider them different characters. Seven years makes a big difference.

6. The character I would shag any time: Klavier. All the pretty of his older brother without the poison hazard, and a cute German accent thrown in to boot XD

7. The character I'd want to be like: Umm...Mia, maybe. She was a very strong lady.


9. A pairing that I love: But I have so manyyyy. Miles/Phoenix, Klavier/Apollo, Klavier/Daryan, and Kristoph/Klavier are my favorites.

10. A pairing that I hate/am not fussed about: Phoenix/Maya and Klavier/Ema both kind of irk me. I don't think that either Phoenix or Maya think of the other as anything but a misplaced sibling of sorts, and I'm not willing to turn Ema's 'glimmerous fop' shots into ~*~*~*~hidden admissions of love~*~*~*~.

11. My five six or seven favorite characters: Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Kristoph Gavin, Klavier Gavin, Daryan Crescend, Apollo Justice, Kay Farriday.

12. My five six or seven least favorite characters: Manfred von Karma, Damon Gant, Luke Atmey, Frank Sahwitt, BRUSHEL GROSS GO DIE SOMEWHERE YOU DISGUSTING REPORTER EWWW, Zak Gramarye, 'Director' Hickfield. And Wendy Oldbag, though I don't really hate her, so I'm not really counting her in with the above.

13. Which character I am most like: Hm...Lawyer! Phoenix, I think.

14. My deep, dark fandom secret: Not only was the GS fandom the first one I ever roleplayed for, it was the first thing I'd ever written smut and swearing for.

saiyuki, random thoughts, ace attorney, meme, fandom, woo

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