fanfic reviewers and me ranting about life

Aug 15, 2010 02:25

I must confess, in case you didn't know, I'm a fanfic writer. Mainly Harry Potter R/Hr stuff, though I did take a stab at some Hana Yori Dango fics when I was in highschool. I admit that like most fanfic what I write is hardly in the same universe as JK Rowling or even close to my friends online who are fanfic authors, you know who you are.

Last year, before I went overseas for my exchange program, I left a final note on most of my 'to be continued' works, basically say that for several factors including, lack of reviews, my busy schedule and my diminishing interests in the stories I write that I will probably not finish the fics...okay I admit there were times I was pretty frustrated with lack of reviews, mainly cause it takes forever to write chapters and a little review would be nice, not a lot but at least one or two to let me know that there are people interested enough and that I'm not just wasting my time. Reviews are the best thing in the world for writers, even fanfic writers cause they help you work on your weak points and focus on particular aspects of the story that readers are interested in...

Well what would you know, I just today opened my hotmail inbox, which hasnt been checked in a looong time and what should I find but a review for one of my fics. Basically the 'anon' reviewer said that though they enjoyed the fic I was writer they wouldn't want to read any of my fics other than that particular one cause I "held my chapters hostage".

I may have mentioned to some questions of my readers that I may have started some chapters but there is no way I would post them because I haven't edited them of the chapters just don't feel 'right'. So I would hardly call that 'holding chapters hostage until I get reviews'.

It annoys me to no end when I get comments like this from people basically saying 'hey finish this bloody story for me! right now!!'

Excuse me 'anon' person but I do have a life outside the incredibly busy one now that I am about to graduate from university and am working at the same time. I hardly have time to stop everything including family commitments just to keep you happy.

Now, I love to write, its a fantastic 'hobby' and a way for me to vent my frustrations, explore the twisty workings of my mind and to fantasize about characters already existing in fiction or in my own head -- but no way would that ever take precedence over my real life. So any comments from people like that just kinda pisses me off to be perfectly honest...though me being me I probably will forget them and get over by tomorrow but for now just needed to vent.

fanfic, rant

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