Nov 03, 2010 17:13
WASHINGTON (Nov. 3) -- President Barack Obama said Wednesday that voters frustrated by the pace of economic recovery dictated a Republican takeover of the House in midterm elections, adding, "As president I take responsibility" for a failure to restore job growth more quickly.
It is not his fault. It was never his fault. The blame lies in the short-sightendness of the American citizens. Obama is our leader now, and I believe that he is doing everything within his power to help us. Resistence to his efforts will, at worst, render everything that he is attempting to accomplish completely useless.
And then what will you do?
Throw a party, and cheer with joy? That you didn't give up, didn't compromise, didn't let the other side win?
Even worse off than when you started, now that you wasted all of your resources in dragging your feet and refusing to cooperate, will YOU now have the strength and the means to restore this country? Was that even your intention in the first place?
We are trillions of dollars in debt. Yes, WE. You are a citizen here, so you have a share in the debt by proxy. Forgive me for sounding like a communist. The more I research communism (the system in and of itself, psychotic leaders excluded), the more appealing it seems. Anyway... several trillion dollars worth of debt, and who knows how much economic damage does not alleviate itself within two years. Or even ten. So throwing a vote towards the other side SIMPLY OUT OF IMPATIENCE is short-sighted, greedy, idiotic, and a completely useless gesture.
In another two years, you will see that your vote has accomplished nothing to fulfill your assinine ideal for a golden era. In fact, it could possibly even have worsened the situation. Obama will be signed on for another four, with many backing him again out of dire hopes that he will snap his fingers and 'fix' us.
And he will do his best, and that will not be enough to please you, and you will throw your vote in the opposite direction again, cursing and running in circles and wondering why life is hard.
That's a prediction.
Maybe the American people will prove me wrong and come to their senses, and start letting the government govern this country while we govern our selves.