Aug 27, 2013 11:22
I don't like complaining and I've never been one to share my RL issues. I guess it's because of the way I was raised? Who knows.
Anyway, I've been quiet on LJ due to the fact that my sister has been having a TON of health issues. Most of the time she has trouble even walking. She recently got out of the hospital and they've been doing all kinds of tests and she's been seeing doctors for things I can't even hope to spell, let alone pronounce.
Log story short, by the end of my day I'm usually pooped and fall asleep.
I've been missing all kinds of updates and news across all the communities I'm a part of; on LJ and off.
I've also been battling with a couple online stores for months and am tempted to bad mouth them, but I'm not that type of person. They've been givinge the run around and pretending I haven't been in contact or that they've told me one things then say they never said that. It's a mess.
On top of worrying about my sister everything is haywire.
My dad has also been pressuring me to pay him a visit, but doesn't seem to get that my sister isn't doing well. I mean, she won't die, but she has a hard time doing things throughout the day.
I'm just all stretched out.
Anyway, I don't know where I'm heading with this.
Just bare with me and stuff? I'm not dead. Not a quiet community pirate. I'm just tossed in chaos right now.
That's all really.
Thanks for reading(?).
via ljapp