The Love Chat Story Chapter 1

Sep 20, 2008 17:15

Title : The Love Chat Story Chapter 1
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : Romance, Humor
Summary : Jin always had his phone with him and chatting with somebody. Kame always had his laptop with him and chatting with somebody. In a twisted kind of fate, unknown to the two, it turns out that the two are chatting with each other. It all sounded like a clip off ( Read more... )

the love chat story, oneshot, fanfiction

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cherrylady6 September 20 2008, 22:28:38 UTC
Kazuya smirked, arching his perfectly trimmed eyebrow at him as he adjusted his glasses.
xDD It's just a detail but the thing with his eyebrow made me smile :D

Well I had to breathe you idiot!
xDDD I just fell again in love with Kame-chan haha xD

You made me so much laugh with this chat xDD
Jin's so arrogant xD But at the same time it's just him xDD Kyah ^^
Actually, I'm not an Akame reader xDD But this is awesome *-*
I'm waiting for your next chapter!
xDD Kyah. Don't let me suffer this much when you already finished xD -dies- ;>


kamepi_chan September 21 2008, 04:24:15 UTC
hahah thank goodness i made you laugh then! LOL

kame-chan is love<3333
well im glad this will turn u into a crazed akame fan like the rest of the lot! LOL
suffer! im already on chapter 3! LOL

thankies for commenting!~ <3


cherrylady6 September 21 2008, 18:48:37 UTC
xDDD Well. You make me suffer this much and expect me to turn into an Akame fan?
You're sure? xDDD
Aww >__<
When I drink more coffee now I'm probably gonna kill you and browse through your fics and read on xD
-not drinking coffee- -suffers more-
Huh .. I have a sad life suffering from waiting for a fic xD


kamepi_chan September 21 2008, 19:07:13 UTC
hahha of course~ what else could there be in my diabolical plan?
hahhahahha, my password is so simple. but i doubt you'll get in. chapter 2 is so juicy! YUMMMMMINY YUMM

hahha dont worry. you're not the only one~ i too wait for fics~



cherrylady6 September 21 2008, 19:41:23 UTC
Sou ka xD
Not sure. You'll see if I turn into an Akame fan xD
Well, how about telling me your password and I tell you if it's easy? xDDDDD
This was lame, I know ~ but why not try ^^
Ehhhhh? Erm ~ juicy? xDD Kyah, you kill me xD
Died of curiosity. You can write this on my gravestone xDD

Well, I'm not sure if this cheers me up xD


kamepi_chan September 21 2008, 19:55:34 UTC
hahah hopefully ne?
telling you mi password?! NEVER! lol thats where i write my updates!
hhahah lol hey at least u tried~
i think its juicy anyways im not so surre~ :)



cherrylady6 September 22 2008, 03:58:06 UTC
thats where i write my updates!
Guess why I want to know it :D
Yeah. But I'm still depressed because it didn't work :>
xDD Well, I'll see? I already suffered long enough ne? :o


kamepi_chan September 22 2008, 20:01:18 UTC
hahah i dont do ms words, i just put in private mode so that people cant read it~ LOL
ahhaha i updated didnt i?


cherrylady6 September 23 2008, 04:53:23 UTC
xDD Sou ka ^^
You are selfish xDD
You updated? xDD < behind
I didn't look again at KT Love before I went to bed T__T Nande xD
I have to go now >__< Kyah, knowing that your story is online and not reading is more painful than knowing it's not online but written! Kyah xD


kamepi_chan September 23 2008, 20:09:11 UTC
hhahahhahha i guess i am selfish like that~ LOL
yea, i mean i did chapter 2 didnt i? you can only post once at ktlove about fic masterposts~
you should try the akame_ comm. i update there~


cherrylady6 September 24 2008, 04:43:19 UTC
xDD You're right ~
I never think about masterposts <.<
Eeeeh .. so, now I'm going to enter an Akame Community?
You're really good in producing Akame fans haha xD


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