
May 16, 2010 10:35

I never knew how frail my way of living was until these last two weeks rolled around. The week when i got a paycheck that was less than what I needed to cover everything. Thus I dipped into my stashed savings and took care of the important bills required to at least exist being electricity and water (funny story about the water, let's just say screw you city of columbia), regardless what I found out when I tried to go back into it in order to pull for travel and the like I was pretty damn shocked. I was flat broke, like completely I ended up not having a dime. Quickly I called the bank and my mom to ask them.. so where the hell is my money. The bank told me that my joint account took out a large amount and thus I couldn't touch the thing otherwise it would bottom out my account and close it, with the minimum sadly being 25 dollars. It was what my mother told me that enraged me past anything I'd thought of... " I went ahead and paid the P.A. taxes and we're having an emergency up here so I took the money out, since you're gonna have to do it anyway at the end of the month." I was furious. This is normal behavior for my family, which has been something that Whitney use to always hassle me about. The fact that I would literally give up my well being for my family, because I was the good kid. My brother's useless even though he sadly makes enough money to help out my mom. My sister is supporting two children and the rest of the family realizes that thus they leave her alone. So let's get the guy who actually has.. had money.. me.

I swear adults are funny creatures... sure I'm an adult as well, but honestly I think that physically is the only way I've really grown, I still goof off, play video games and chase girls. (Well actually the later has stopped, since I'm currently interested in one person.) I work a part time job and a full time one, though the full time job is what's basically paying the essentials for the house and my taxes, the part time job is responsible for things like travel, eating and entertainment. Again the later is effectively last place. I've lived on my own technically about 4 years of my life, if we want to even go deeper than that about 7ish, since that's when my grandpa died and it was just me and my sister. I've budgeted, saved and lived by said budget to the letter. Now and again extra spending is added now and again, when I want something that I know I don't need I save twice as much for it to make a buffer against my actual funds, IE if I want something say I new game that comes out two months from the point I find out, I don't buy anything from the entertainment funds until it comes out thus creating a buffer head for it, and it seems like I didn't buy it. Same goes for expensive clothing, food you name it, as much as people pick at my lack of basic math skills at time (Yea... I'm the guy who took entrance level college math twice) when it's something complex I'm a pro, thus handling a budget is not an issue at all. Now random happenings killing my budget like family emergencies that tend to happen ONLY WHEN SOMETHING ELSE IS ALREADY GOING DOWN... that's a different funk.

Also speaking of funks, I swear to god a part-time job shouldn't be so complex, I mean we have drama, diplomacy, and the like. Our new manager Horus, has been a royal pain. He's not only cut my hours at my actual store, but he's sending me out to Harbison for the rest of them. Knowing full well I don't have a car, thus I either take the bus for 2 to 2.5 hours or I get a ride from someone else, While my friends are usually really nice about helping me, I know I'm skating on thin ice. I haven't had a car in years, before most of my friends knew me. I can honestly thing that Bob and Cardre are the only two who even remember when I got a license, regardless I need a car badly. But I can't afford one. I can see it now... Car payment is due, and vola something happens like bailing my brother out of jail again, or My mom's electric is higher than it should be, or my sister is in the hospital and I have to take care of her kids, thus spending money. While the last one is understandable the first two aren't but I'm responsible for them as the eldest son. I'm sadly overly loyal to my family.

Now we have AZ coming up soon, like two weeks soon. Can I afford to go, yes actually. Why because the check I get this week can cover it after I've bottomed out everything else to fix things. While that may seem unwise , one good thing about me is that I tend to pay for stuff in advance, like hotel rooms, plane tickets things like that. Because if you're out of town and you're broke you're screwed. Thus AZ is covered cause I payed for it months ago. Also I get paid the week we get back and my end of the month bills shall be covered. Will I be buying much there, Hell no!! Will I try and have fun, but of course. Cause let's face it right now it's all I have left.. pathetic.

I'd go into my love life, but..let's just say while I'm happy where I am and the companionship I know, I feel bad cause I'm afraid of dragging that person down with me. It's good to have friends, and that one particular person I'm glad she's around, she makes me feel better. Arigato.

I'm 26 years old. I look at other people my age and realize that I have a head start on them. I own multiple properties, I finished college and started my career. While I'll admit I'm not the most handsome bastard on the planet, I don't think I'm balls ugly either, what I lack is stability enough for anything more than going out with a person. Until I can do that, I'm a failure as an adult and will be stuck in the child's limelight. For all the wisdom I've acquired along the way, for the experiences I've been through it all ultimately comes back to this. I'm barely getting by, and one stupid little slip up and I'm done. Or something like this..being a dick boss and a family that almost always needs help. I can never truly have my own life cause I know if they needed help I'd give up everything I have for them. Why cause I love my family for all the problems they cause me. It also goes for my friends too, if they need something I'd give up for them the way they give up for me.
Wow this turned into something of a TLDR entry. Well being upset will do that to you.

kohai tachi, school, panic, money, family, life, part time job, aibou

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