SAM SOKOL03/14/2014 02:45
The Jewish community of Odessa in the Ukraine has been formulating plans for the evacuation of its children should the security situation in the country deteriorate further.
Refael Kruskal, CEO of the local Tikva network of schools and orphanages, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that while he could not go into specifics, Ukrainian Jews “are on the edge of a crisis” and have been taking what he called “emergency steps.”
These steps include “emergency evacuation plans” as well as the stockpiling of food, he said.
If Russia should expand its military presence beyond Crimea, or if the internal security situation deteriorates to the point of “anarchy,” Tikva and other organizations may shift the children under their care to another location within the country or even “across the border” to Moldova, he said.
The Jewish Agency has recorded a doubling of aliya inquiries from Ukraine due to the recent political instability, Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky wrote on Thursday.