ЕСПЧ - массовый расстрел польских военнослужащих - военное преступение не немцев, a

Apr 16, 2012 20:44

"Европейский суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) в понедельник признал массовый расстрел польских военнослужащих под Катынью в 1940 году военным преступлением ,ЕСПЧ также постановил, что российские власти не предоставили родственникам польских военнопленных, расстрелянных под Катынью, достаточной информации о судьбе погибших. Польская сторона обратилась в Страсбургский суд, выразив свое неудовлетворение проведенным Россией расследованием обстоятельств произошедшего. Расследование было прекращено в 2004 году на основании п. 4 ч. 1 ст. 24 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса РФ (за смертью виновных).."

Вначале я подумал, что это лажа по поводу военного преступления с приписыванием вины РФ/СССР. Ибо в прочитанных
 нем. СМИ (Russland wegen schleppender Katyn-Aufarbeitung verurteilt) сосредоточились на токма на затяжек с делом и нежеланием расследовать (как того желают поляки). Ан нет. Действительно идет речь о военном преступлении с приписыванием вины России/SSSR.

2.  The applicants

117.  The applicants acknowledged that the Katyn massacre committed in 1940 was an act outside the temporal reach of the Convention and that the Court had no competence ratione temporis to deal with its substantive aspect. However, in their view, the Court could examine the observance by Russia of the applicants’ right to obtain an effective investigation under the procedural limb of Article 2.

118.  The applicants disagreed with the legal characterisation of the Katyn massacre as an abuse of power by Soviet State officials, an offence which was subject to a three-year prescription period. They submitted that the Polish soldiers captured by the Red Army had been entitled to the full protection guaranteed to prisoners of war, including the protection against acts of violence and cruelty afforded by the provisions of the Hague Convention IV of 1907 and the Geneva Convention of 1929 (cited in paragraphs 63 and 64 above). The murder of Polish prisoners of war in 1940 had been an unlawful act which violated Articles 4, 23(c) and 50 of the Hague Convention IV and Articles 2, 46, 61 and 63 of the Geneva Convention. Even though the USSR had not been a party to either Convention, it had a duty to respect the universally binding principles of international customary law, which had merely been codified in those Conventions. That such an obligation was recognised as legally binding by the USSR was clearly evidenced by the fact that, at the Nuremberg trial, the Soviet prosecutor had attempted to charge the Nazi leaders with the murder of Polish prisoners of war. The extermination of Polish prisoners of war was a war crime within the meaning of Article 6 (b) of the Nuremberg Charter and the shooting of civilians amounted to a crime against humanity as defined in Article 6 (c) of the Nuremberg Charter. Execution of prisoners of war constituted and was treated as a war crime by the international community, which was convincingly demonstrated by the abundant case-law from the post-war trials of war criminals. The Katyn massacre was also described as “a war crime having the character of genocide” in the resolution of the Polish Parliament of 23 September 2009 and the statement of the Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Co-operation Committee of 10 May 2010.

Поляки, подавшие в суд, решением не довольны. Будут опротестовывать. Интересно, а будут ли дальнейшие разборы и осуждения союзников, не только СССР , а например Штатов с Великой Британией в обозримом будущем? Какой нить правнук с сотоварищами подаст в Страсбург за погибшего прадеда - гражданского, погибщего в Дрездене например? Или японцы те же? За Хиросиму?

eu, katyn

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